Welcome to the Aroniafarm website.
We are a family company specializing in the cultivation of organic aronia and production of the highest quality plants.
We offer only vegetative aronia plants of the NERO variety, produced from a carefully selected parent plants, which have been cultivated for over 30 years under the supervision of a qualified forester with forty years of nursery experience.
We sell multi-stemmed two and three year old plants with a very well-developed root system, guaranteeing almost 100% adoption of seedlings.
We offer our customers free professional assistance in matters related to the establishment of aronia plantations and their care.
Yagoody pakub täielikult orgaanilisi ja looduslikke tooteid, millele ei ole lisatud suhkrut, säilitusaineid ega kunstlikke lisaaineid.
Oleme teile ette valmistanud artikli, mis tutvustab selle superpuuvilja kõige olulisemaid omadusi.
Aroonia kasvatamise põhiteadmiste saamiseks lugege meie juhendit.